How to Easily Create a MS Word Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart for Older Versions of MS Word
- Display your DRAW toolbar by selecting View > Toolbars > Drawing.
- Place your cursor where you want to insert your chart or diagram.
- Click the 3-spinning-balls icon on your DRAW toolbar. The tooltip message should read “Insert Diagram or Organization Chart.”
- From the Diagram Gallery window, select the Organization Chart button on the Upper Left. The ORGANIZATION CHART Mini-Bar display automatically.
- Click Insert Shape drop-down menu on the Mini-Bar to insert “subordinate,” “coworker” or “assistant” boxes.
- Click the Autoformat button on the Mini-Bar to select one of the chart templates.
- To delete a box, click the Select drop-down menu on the Mini-Bar, then press the Delete button.
- Click on individual boxes on the chart to add text.
- Click Layout drop-down menu on the Mini-Bar to change the layout of the whole chart and select one of the following options: Standard, Both Hanging, Right Hanging, Left Hanging.
- Select a text wrapping option (if need be) by clicking the Text Wrapping button on the Mini-Bar and selecting one of the available options.
- Experiment with other buttons on the DRAW toolbar for a variety of different effects. For example, select an organizational box and change its color by clicking the Paint Bucket button, or add drop shadows by clicking 3D button and selecting an option.
- Your Organizational Chart is done!
Organizational Chart for Newer Versions of MS Word
- Select the Insert tab on your ribbon.
- Place your cursor where you want to insert your chart or diagram.
- Click Smart Art to display the graphic options available.
- Select Hierarchy to display the organizational charts available:
- Select the chart you like and click OK to insert the chart.
- Enter the text for each box in the left side-box:
- To delete a box, click the Select drop-down menu on the Mini-Bar, then press the Delete button.
- Click on individual boxes on the chart to add text.
- Click and select the SmartArt Design tab to change the layout of the whole chart and select options including the color palette, layout, and SmartArt style.
- Experiment with other buttons on the SmartArt Design tab for a variety of different effects. Use the Format tab to format text.
- Your Organizational Chart is done!
There are several expensive graphic-creation software out there to create an Organizational Chart. But why spend the extra money when you have great tools at your disposal, already built into MS Word?