Greenhouse Gases – A Great Writing Niche for Writers
One writing niche that requires more technical writers is the GHG (Green House Gases) sector.
Technical writing is evolving fast with the changes in the global economy.
If you are a writer with good scientific background and an interest in environmental issues and global warming, you might consider specializing in GHG since the need for technical communicators in that sector is increasing.
In your next job search, you may also include such GHG positions and other offerings in the alternative energy and environmental protection sectors which include the sub-specialty of “carbon trading” as well.
Google for the keywords “Green Jobs.”
What are Greenhouse Gases?
Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, causing the earth to warm. They trap some of the sun’s radiation and keep it from bouncing off into space, which would otherwise cause Earth to be much cooler than it is.
They are gases are often referred to as “greenhouse gasses” because they act like glass in a greenhouse. They trap heat inside, which causes the earth to warm.
The most common greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and water vapor (H2O). These gases come from natural sources like volcanoes and rotting vegetation, but humans also contribute substantially to their levels.
They are not all bad, they help keep the Earth warm enough for life to exist. However, too many greenhouse gasses can cause global warming and climate change which can have devastating effects on our planet.
Rising Interest in Green House Gases
Climate change is a global issue and it will take the cooperation of many countries to solve it. If we want to help people understand the effects of greenhouse gases on the climate, we need to provide them with easy-to-understand information.
This explains the rising interest in global warming and greenhouse gases and writers who can explain how this menace threatens our planet and what can be done to solve the problem.
How to Choose Which Green House Gases to Write About?
Air pollution is a major environmental problem.
Air pollution is the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere. These pollutants can be classified as either primary or secondary, depending on how they are formed.
Primary pollutants are emitted directly from a source, such as exhaust from cars, while secondary pollutants form in the air through chemical reactions between other substances.
The following air pollutants are some of the most common:
- Ozone (O 3 )
- Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2 )
- Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 )
- Particulate Matter (PM)
- Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Carbon Dioxide – The Most Important GHG
Carbon dioxide is a natural part of the Earth’s atmosphere. It helps regulate the Earth’s temperature and is vital to plant growth. However, too much of it can lead to climate change and global warming.
It is the most important greenhouse gas because it has a greater effect on global warming than other GHGs. It is also the most abundant GHG in the Earth’s atmosphere, making up about 3% of all atmospheric gases.
The increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the air causes an increase in its radiative properties which increases the greenhouse effect and causes global warming.
Methane – The Other GHGs of Interest
Methane is also a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. It is the second most prevalent GHG and the second most potent GHG after carbon dioxide.
The main sources of methane emissions are:
- Coal mining and processing, oil and natural gas production, and natural gas distribution
- Agriculture
- Landfills
- Coal mining and processing
- Livestock (enteric fermentation)
- Municipal wastewater treatment plants
6 Tips for Writing an Informative & Engaging Blog Post on Greenhouse Gases and Their Effects on Climate Change
Here are 6 practical tips for writing an informative and engaging blog post on the topic:
1. The first step in writing a blog post is to research your topic thoroughly, so you can provide your readers with accurate information.
2. Write a catchy title that will attract readers’ attention and make them want to read more.
3. Include a short summary at the beginning of your blog post that summarizes the main points you will discuss in detail later on in the article.
4. Use bullet points or numbered lists when presenting information, as it helps readers easily digest what they are reading and provides them with a clear understanding of what you are trying to say.
5. Have a point of view and make a statement instead of just listing facts about GHG. The more controversial your POV, the more readers you’ll have and the higher the chances that your post will go viral. But of course, it’s important to back up your controversial point of view with facts and logical reasoning.
6. Select the correct platform to publish your GHG posts. If you post them on LinkedIn, for example, a website for job seekers and career builders, you’ll probably get no readers at all since GHG is a topic that interests very few LinkedIn readers.
Where Can You Publish Your GHG Articles and Posts?
Here are a few places where you can try publishing your GHG articles:
- Medium (select an appropriate publication that focuses on global warming, cap and trade, carbon taxes, etc.)
- Quora (as an answer to a GHG question)
- DePaul University List: https://libguides.depaul.edu/c.php?g=253564&p=1690283
- George Washington University List: https://onlinepublichealth.gwu.edu/resources/sources-for-climate-news/
- World Organization List: https://solar.world.org/weo/climate
- Sustainable Business Jobs: https://www.sustainablebusiness.com/
GHG writing is an expanding niche for writers.
However, be aware that some of these jobs will not have the title “Writer” or “Technical Writer.” They will instead have titles like “Trainer,” “Content Specialist,” “Communication Specialist,” or “Sustainability Writer,” as seen below:
Use your imagination and use related but different search keywords when you are searching for such writing jobs.
May you write, serve and prosper well!