Technical Writing Salaries in the USA

Enter your U.S. city and state in this web site and it tells you the average salary that a technical writer (or any other occupation for that matter) makes.
For example, in New York, NY, an average tech writer seems to make $89,000. In Los Angeles, it drops to $70,000. Check your own city and state.
The national trend graph makes it very clear: tech writing salaries in the United States hit a rock bottom back at April 2009, spiked up in July 2009, but again lost some ground since then.


  1. Catherine Hibbard on February 4, 2010 at 10:45 am

    Thank you for posting this story and link. My technical writing students often ask me questions about compensation and areas where salaries are highest. Now I will have an Internet resource to provide them about these topics.

  2. admin on February 4, 2010 at 11:47 am

    My pleasure. Glad to help.

  3. Mikey on February 4, 2010 at 4:07 pm

    Not that useful since it doesn’t tell you what the sample size is or break it out by experience or industry or full vs. part time.
    80K is low for Silicon Valley.