How to Add a FrameMaker Drop-Down Sub-Menu to an Image

Follow these steps to add a drop-down sub-menu to an Adobe FrameMaker image.

1) Do everything described in this post and create a drop-down menu attached to your image.

2) Then, go to your Reference Pages by either using the Esc+v+R shortcut or selecting View > Reference Pages from the menu.

3) On any reference page, drag and draw a SECOND text frame on any clear spot by using the text frame tool.

4) In the first line of the new text frame, write the name of the 1st level menu option. In this case: “Web Site 1.”

5) Select and right-click the new text frame to display the pop-up menu. Select the Object Properties option to display the Customize Text Frame dialog box.

6) Under Flow, enter the name of the 1st-level menu option (“Web Site 1”)  for the Tag attribute.

7) Then on the second and subsequent lines, enter the the name of the sub-menu options that you’d like to display as links in your drop-down sub-menu. For this example, we’ll use “Football″ and “Basketball″.

8] By using the same steps explained in this post (selecting, sub-menu text, displaying the Hypertext dialog box, selecting Go To URL option as a command, clicking the New Hypertext Marker button, etc.) hyperlink these options to the websites you like.

The first and the second text frames will look like this:
FM_How to add drop-down menu to an image 9
IMPORTANT DETAIL: Now the “Web Site 1” string in text frame 1 should not be directly pointing at a web site but at the SECOND text frame through the Popup Menu command. Select “Web Site 1″ and in the Syntax field of the Hypertext dialog box; enter the flow tag of the SECOND text frame (“Web Site 1”) so that the 2nd-level drop-down sub-menu would be linked to the 1-st level drop-down menu.
FM_How to add drop-down menu to an image LINK TEXT FRAMES
9) Go back to your Body Pages by either using the Esc+v+B shortcut or selecting View > Body Pages from the menu.

10) Click Make View-Only button to test your drop-down menu.
Now when you bring your cursor over the image, the arrow will turn into a finger and display not only a 1st-level drop-down menu but a 2-nd level sub-menu as well:
FM_How to add drop-down menu to an image SECOND-LEVEL MENU
11) Click the Basketball sub-menu menu option to launch the website linked to the option:

FM_How to add drop-down menu to an image NBA

How to add a drop-down menu


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