How to Create an Index for an Adobe FrameMaker Document
Creating an index for an Adobe FrameMaker document requires two steps: marking the index entries, and then generating the index.
To Mark the Index Entries
1) Launch FrameMaker 9 and open your document.
2) Select the text that you’d like to mark as an index entry.
3) Select Special > Marker from the main menu to display the Marker dialog box:
The text you selected will automatically display in the Marker Text field of the Marker dialog box.
NOTE: Make sure “Index” is selected as a Marker Type since FrameMaker offers a wide variety of different marker types.
4) Click the New Marker button and your index entry will be created.
NOTE: If you’d like to create an INDENTED (Second tier) index entry, write the first level entry in the Market Text field followed by a COLON, and then write your second level entry.
Example: the following market text entry will create this index entry:
5) Repeat the above steps for every text string that you’d like to include in your index.
To Generate the Index
1) Select Special > Index Of > Marker from the main menu to display the index creation message box:
2) Click Yes to create a standalone index file for your document. This will display Setup Index of Markers dialog box:
3) Select Index from the RIGHT text list. Click the LEFT arrow to move it into the LEFT text list.
4) Click Set to generate your Index.
NOTE: Make sure the Create Hypertext Links check-box is selected to make sure you’ll be sent to the page of the index entry when you click on the index entry’s page number.