How to Create an Index for an Adobe FrameMaker Document

Creating an index for an Adobe FrameMaker document requires two steps: marking the index entries, and then generating the index.

To Mark the Index Entries

1) Launch FrameMaker 9 and open your document.
2) Select the text that you’d like to mark as an index entry.
3) Select Special > Marker from the main menu to display the Marker dialog box:

How to Mark Adobe FrameMaker 9 Index Entries


The text you selected will automatically display in the Marker Text field of the Marker dialog box.

NOTE: Make sure “Index” is selected as a Marker Type since FrameMaker offers a wide variety of different marker types.
4) Click the New Marker button and your index entry will be created.
NOTE: If you’d like to create an INDENTED (Second tier) index entry, write the first level entry in the Market Text field followed by a COLON, and then write your second level entry.
Example: the following market text entry will create this index entry:

Adobe FrameMaker 9 Indented Index entry


5) Repeat the above steps for every text string that you’d like to include in your index.

To Generate the Index

1) Select Special > Index Of > Marker from the main menu to display the index creation message box:

Adobe FrameMaker 9 Index Creation Message Box


2) Click Yes to create a standalone index file for your document. This will display Setup Index of Markers dialog box:

Adobe FrameMaker 9 Setup Index of Markers


3) Select Index from the RIGHT text list. Click the LEFT arrow to move it into the LEFT text list.
4) Click Set to generate your Index.
NOTE: Make sure the Create Hypertext Links check-box is selected to make sure you’ll be sent to the page of the index entry when you click on the index entry’s page number.