"I’m a journalist. A reporter… Can I become a successful technical writer?"


Can a journalist become a successful technical writer?

I don’t see why not. I was a journalist once upon a time too. After I made the switch to technical writing, I never looked back.

Two Skills of Journalists

Journalism teaches you mental concentration and time-discipline.

When you’re working as a reporter for a daily newspaper you need to concentrate on your topic like a laser beam, write up the story and then deliver it within the same day even if it’s not “perfect.” That kind of discipline, day-in day-out, develops one’s information processing capacity in a hurry. After a few years of that kind of daily churning you turn into a lean and mean data-absorbing and reporting machine. It eliminates your “writer’s block” for good.

A second skill that journalism teaches well is how to listen to people, how to interview Subject Matter Experts and then write it in a way that the average reader can understand.

Both these skills came in very handy when I switched to technical writing back in 1998.


  1. Larry Kunz on December 21, 2011 at 10:17 am

    You’re absolutely right! I made the same switch near the beginning of my career, and ever since then I’ve maintained that experience in journalism is an excellent training ground for technical writing. Besides the things you mentioned, here are some more:
    Audience analysis: the journalist writes with the audience in mind, always leading with the most important points
    Understanding and mastering style guides
    Working with an editor

    • admin on December 21, 2011 at 10:51 am

      Larry, thanks for the input. I didn’t know you also had journalism background. The additional points you’ve made are right on the spot. Happy Holidays! Ugur