Two Different Meanings of Documentation Plan
(Copyright-free photo courtesy of Štefan Štefančík at Unsplash dot com)
© Ugur Akinci
There are TWO different varieties of “Documentation Plan”s.
The first definition of “Documentation Plan” is a rather narrow one according to which the TCC template was designed: a plan to write a hi-tech user manual, a system administration or installation guide. This sort of “plan” (which is used daily in software-hardware industry) describes how a technical writer should create the DOCUMENT (Guide, Manual, etc.) itself.
The second definition of “Documentation Plan” is much more general. Here the term “documentation” denotes “gathering and presenting information” (a PROCESS) rather than a specific “manual” or a “guide” (a PRODUCT).
It is A PLAN TO DOCUMENT a process.
There are many documents out there with the title “Documentation Plan” which describe how to collect and verify and use INFORMATION about a topic rather than an actual plan to create a DOCUMENT that may or may not be about the compilation of such information.
Such clients need a plan about the PROCESSES. They actually need a PROJECT PLAN, the project of how to gather and review the INFORMATION about FLOWCHART PROCESSES from respective SMEs.
Thus what they need is a lot more than a “Documentation Plan” in the narrow sense of the term. They are searching for a PROJECT BLUEPRINT, something with its own Gannt Chart and MS Project Spreadsheet, perhaps.
Here is an example. Here is another.
If, on the other hand, you are looking for a TEMPLATE to write a “guide” or a “manual” in the traditional sense of the term, then check out this TCC post.