How to Use Adobe FrameMaker’s Lock File on Network (.lck) Feature Properly
Adobe FrameMaker has a “Lock File on Network” feature that can both be a great lifesaver and also a sheer nuisance, depending on the situation.
You can toggle this feature on and off in FrameMaker 11’s Edit > Preferences dialog screen:
Once turned on, FrameMaker starts generating a lock (.lck) file that accomplishes two things:
- If you are working on a network, FM prevents another user open the same file and make edits while you are also working on it.
- If the system or FM crashes for any reason while you are working on open files, FM displays a Document in Use message box and asks you to make a choice about whether you’d like to just view the document or continue to edit it:
PROBLEM: Imagine you have 200 files in a FM book project and your system crashes while you have the “Lock File on Network” feature turned on. That means, when you try to get back to editing your book, you would need to select “Reset Lock and Open” option 200 times in a row!
SOLUTION: To prevent that, you have two options:
- Delete all the .lck files in your project file. When you do that, you won;t get the “Document in Use” warning message anymore and the files will open in an editable state.
- Unselect the “Lock File on Network” check-box in the Preferences dialog and click Save.