How to Set the General Preference Settings for Adobe FrameMaker

Select Edit > Preferences from Adobe Frame Maker 12 menu bar to display the Preferences dialog box:
FrameMaker 12 Structured Preferences
Here are the explanations of some of the General preferences:
Product Interface: select one from the drop-down menu.
FrameMaker 12 Product Interface
Monitor Size: select one from the drop-down menu.
FrameMaker 12 Monitor Size
Automatic Backup on Save: Select this check-box if you would like to save an automatic copy of the previous version of the file that you are currently saving. This way you would have two copies of the same file: the latest saved version and the one before that. If your file is named “” (for example), then the FrameMaker would automatically name the backup file ““. The backup copy is updated automatically each time you save a file.

Auto Save Every X Minutes: Select this check-box if you want the FrameMaker save your files automatically once in every X minutes. If your system crashes you’d have the backup file last saved at the end of the last X minutes. If you manually save the file, that overwrites the automatically saved version of the same file.

Show File Translation Errors: Select this check-box if you’d like to see a list of all the errors that FrameMaker encountered in opening files like when FM looks for a font but cannot locate it.

Greek Screen Text Smaller Than X Points: Select this check-box if you’d like the FrameMaker to replace all text smaller than a specified size by a bar. This helps open files more quickly.

Checkout HTTP Files on Open. This check-box is useful if you are keeping files on a common server. When selected, other users cannot access a file that you are currently working on. This prevents uncontrolled changes to the same FrameMaker file in a team environment. When selected, the checked-out file is locked and an asterisk appears after its file name. This option should be cleared by writers who are keeping all their source files on their local machines. (See Lock File on Network below.)

Upload HTTP Files on Save. When selected this feature makes sure that the file you save will be checked back into the server used by the whole writing team. However, this will happen every time you save a file even when the file is still open. If you would like to check in a file back to the server only when you close it, then clear this option. This option should be cleared also by writers who are keeping all their source files on their local machines.

Show Learning Resources on Starter Page. This is self-explanatory. It never hurts to know more about “learning resources.” I’d keep it selected.

Cross-platform File Naming. There are three options: Windows, Unix. Mac. Select the one appropriate for your OS.

Save FrameImage with Imported Graphics. Select this option if you are importing any bitmap images to your FM document.

Lock File on Network. Select it to prevent more than one people opening the file while you are using it — if you are using a common server for the writing team. This option should be cleared by writers who are keeping all their source files on their local machines. CAUTION: If you are not using a file server and keep this selected, you may have a problem if FM crashes in the middle of a project. When you are reopening the files to work on them, FM will display a warning message and force you to select either just viewing or editing option when you are opening the file. This is not an issue if you have just a few files in your book. But if you have hundreds of files to work with, this means a tremendous waste of time approving each opening file for editing. Clearing this check-box takes care of that problem without any side-effects. (See Checkout HTTP Files on Open above.)

Remember Missing Font Names. When selected, FM will let you know which fonts are missing on your system. If you do not want to be bothered by frequent “missing font” messages, clear this check-box.

Embed in PDF. Select the kind of components you’d like to embed in your PDF output.

Good luck!


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