How to Add Background Color Box in Adobe FrameMaker

Did you know that you can easily add a background color box to an Adobe FrameMaker paragraph without adding a table cell? No more tables to add color background 🙂
Follow these easy steps:
1) Create your text and place your cursor someone inside the paragraph.
2) Select Paragraph Designer (Ctrl+M).
3) Create a new paragraph style. Let’s call it “ColorBox”.
4) Select the Advanced Tab.
5) From the Pgf Box drop-down list, select a color:
MS Adobe FrameMaker 12 Background Box
6) Click Apply and then Update All. Your paragraph will now display a great green background:
MS Adobe FrameMaker 12 Background Box 2
Now every time you assign that paragraph style to a paragraph the text will display the same background color.


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How to Add Background Color Box in Adobe FrameMaker
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