Job Ideas for Technical Writers in an Age of COVID-19 Pandemic

woman in black long sleeve shirt using laptop computer
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Student Question

A student of mine asked what she should do to find an entry-level tech writing job in this pandemic environment.

I’ve written quite a bit on this topic earlier:

However, I understand we live through special times. What has been applicable a year ago might not be valid or practical anymore. So here are my ideas and suggestions for those entering the technical communication market under trying conditions.

The core skill for those entering the job market has not changed: visibility. You need to make sure employers are aware of you before they can interview you and offer you a position.

That means you need to have a portfolio, something to illustrate your tech writing skills.

But these skills do not need to be hi-tech. You do not need to document software/hardware skills to prove how you can contribute to an employer’s bottom line. Actually, COVID pandemic might be to your advantage as a writer if you shift your focus to this new reality and communication opportunity.

3 Platforms

First, I’d concentrate on the 3 following platforms:


Secondly, I would write articles, brochures, STPs (Standard Operation Procedures), and eBooks in the following subjects to use as your calling card and establish your presence on the Internet. I would of course not neglect to have a personal website/blog to which all that content is linked so that if a prospective employer is interested in your work, they can go and discover more about you and what you can do for them:

  • Summary of the latest research on COVID
  • Stories and testimonials of the people who got COVID
  • The history of pandemics, with a comparative table
  • Pros and cons of the Anti-Vax movement
  • Tips to beat the COVID depression
  • List of COVID risk factors and protection suggestions
  • COVID Timeline (of not only the progress of the pandemic but progress of research, political statements/stances)
  • State-by-state documentation of COVID numbers and policies
  • Genetics of virus-spread illnesses, with illustrations
  • A survey of schools offering degrees in epidemiology and infectious diseases
  • Etc.

With a little imagination you can come up with a hundred different pandemic-related writing topics to post to Medium, LinkedIn, and Amazon Kindle.

If you keep publishing daily or weekly, you’ll soon have a visible footprint on the web, which is the first step to getting job offers instead of running after them. This would be especially true for LinkedIn which is an exclusive platform for employers and job seekers.

As long as the world turns, there will always be a need for technical writers since they offer solutions to problems. “Dig your well before your house is on fire,” someone said. Now is the right time to start developing your portfolio for a better tomorrow. The COVID pandemic might be the unexpected opportunity for you to take that first step towards your technical communication career.

More Resources:

ZigZag Your Way to Success by Changing Jobs

4 Hi-Tech Technical Writing Jobs That Pay Well

 7 Low-Tech Technical Writing Jobs That Pay Well

 10 Non-Hi-Tech Writing Jobs for Technical Communicators

 A Blooming Writing Niche for “Green Technical Writers”

 HOW TO FIND A JOB AS A NONFICTION WRITER: Job Hunting, Employment, and Career Advancement Guide for Nonfiction Writers

 Selected Ideas for that First Job as a Rookie Technical Writer

 9 Point Check-List — Is Full-Time Technical Writing the Right Job for You?

 How to Find a Technical Writing Job – Some Ideas and Resources

 4 Questions & Answers for Those Entering the Technical Writing Job Market

 Technical Writing Job Opportunities for Rookie Writers

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