A Great Freelance Writing Niche to Specialize In

Photo courtesy of Karol D at Pexels-dot-com

Consumer Electronics is an ever-expanding hot frontier for Freelance Writers.

It’s a huge field that covers anything from TVs and home entertainment sets to video game consoles, computers, and mobile phones.

We watch these electronic wonders, carry them on us and use them 24–7. And we spend good cash for them too.

Not only the number of gadgets is exploding exponentially but so is the need for writers who can review and make sense of all the buzzing, ringing, and prompting equipment on which we depend like air and water.

Writing Suggestions

You can write

  • Web consumer articles
  • Product review articles
  • “Tips and Tricks” articles
  • Video game and game-system articles
  • Trade show reviews
  • Industry trend essays
  • Interviews with consumers and industry VIPs
  • or just plain informational how-to articles explaining how the new technology works.

Online and traditional media editors are always looking for a fresh article or two to address the unceasing demand for “consumer electronics” information.

Questions to Answer

Here are just a few of the questions you can answer in your product review, industry trend, or how-to article:

  • What are the duo-core or quad-core chips? Why are they superior?
  • What’s the difference between an LCD, LED LCD, and OLED screens?
  • Which MP3 player should you buy?
  • What are the main video game technologies in the market today?
  • What are the pros and cons of iPhone vs. Android phone?
  • What are your main options to set up a home media network?
  • What is the difference between a Cable, Satellite, and FIOS TV connection?
  • Should you install Linux on your laptop? Pros and cons?

You may want to consider setting up a website dedicated to your specialized niche and posting your articles for the preview of editors and media reviewers.

The opportunity is there, staring you in the face.

If you like gadgets and technology this could be your ticket to moving up to a new and steady-paying platform in your career. It all depends on you.

Write tight. Stay bright. Serve right.

Good luck!