7 Benefits of Joining a Writers Group

“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”
— Stephen King
A writers group can help writers stay motivated and accountable. It is easy to get lost in the world of self-doubt and writer’s block. A writer’s group provides support, encouragement, feedback, camaraderie and accountability so the writer doesn’t give up on their dream.
In this blog post, we will discuss 7 reasons why joining a writers group is beneficial for any aspiring writer.
1) Knowledge
The writer’s group can give you new ideas for stories, provide feedback on your work and help with writer’s block. You will learn about different aspects of writing that are useful to know as a writer. If there is one writer in the group who has written something similar to what you want to write, they may be able to help you with writer’s block. By being part of a writer’s group, you can also learn things that are useful in other aspects of life.
2) Community
A writer needs support just like any artist does! A writer is constantly putting themselves out there by sharing their work and letting others read it; having people who understand your struggles and support you is so important. There are also writers who have been published or have had their work read by an audience, which can be a great inspiration to writers seeking publication as well!
3) Accountability
A writer needs accountability just like any other professional does in order to stay on track with meeting deadlines and following through with projects. A writer’s group can hold each other accountable for writing on a regular basis. It is so easy to be distracted by work, family and life in general that having the support of a writer’s group will help you stay focused.
4) Feedback
Most writers are not perfect; they need feedback from others along the way! Having people willing to read your work and provide feedback is such a benefit. Feedback can be very encouraging for writers who may not receive much constructive criticism on their writing otherwise.
5) Motivation
There are times when writers get discouraged or lose motivation to keep working at their craft; having the support of a writer’s group will help you stay motivated! When writer’s feel discouraged or lose motivation, the writer’s group can help them get back on track.
6) Exposure
Writer’s groups are great places to meet other writers and find inspiration! Meeting other writers in your area who share similar interests is so beneficial. You never know when you may learn something new about the craft of writing that will inspire you or help you in your own work.
7) Creativity
Sometimes writer’s block can be the result of writers not feeling creative! The writers’ group is a great place to share ideas and learn new ways to approach writing challenges. Having a writers group will help spark creativity within writers when they are stumped or feel like their work has gone stale.
Writer’s groups can be very beneficial for writers who are looking to build their writing careers. If you want to become a writer, joining a writer’s group is something that many writers swear by!