Posts by Ugur Akinci
How to Write a Letter of Congratulation for a Graduating Student
Writing a letter to a graduating student is fun since it’s such a joyous occasion to celebrate. It’s all good. Use these phrases in your letter written to congratulate someone graduating from a school: Congratulations on graduating from XYZ College! We are so happy to see you take a giant step towards a bright future!…
Read MoreWriting Articles with Keywords – Two Disadvantages
To write articles with keywords is one of the main methods of generating content that will receive Internet traffic. You make a keyword search, find out what’s hot these days and write on that topic. It makes sense, doesn’t it? The more popular a topic, the more it will be searched on the Internet, and…
Read MoreAdobe FrameMaker 12 Default Document Templates
Adobe FrameMaker has not been a product in the past that offered a wealth of attractive templates to use. For some reason FM developers have not considered the lack of templates a great issue even though it was. I have known quite a few technical writers who kept generating one average looking document after another (or shifted…
Read MoreHow to Explain Things Better and Communicate More Clearly
Sometimes you have to explain yourself a couple of times by using different words to communicate things better and more clearly. Explaining things better and more clearly requires a second attempt to say the same thing in a slightly different way. It is unrealistic to expect people to understand what you’re talking about the first…
Read More7 Different Types of Fundraiser Letters
Fundraising letters come in many varieties. Before writing one or asking your copywriter to draft a fundraiser letter for your organization, perhaps you might want to consider the following seven possibilities: 1. An ACQUISITION letter is sent to new a new list of prospects who have never contributed any donations to your organization. 2. A WELCOME…
Read More5 Methods to Finish What You’ve Started to Write
(Copyright-free photo courtesy of unsplash-dot-com) © Ugur Akinci Finishing an article, a book or a presentation is as important as starting to write it. The enemies of half-finished writing projects are many. So are your “friends”. Here are five time-tested ideas to finish all your writing projects on time and in good shape. 1)…
Read MoreWriting Niche Articles with Modular Writing Technique
Introduction Writing specific, sharp niche articles that draw pictures in the imagination of your readers is the secret to success in article and blog writing. You need to fine-tune your article copy towards a specific niche by using the modular writing technique. Let’s say you wrote an article on “How to find a job you like?” At…
Read MoreThe biggest myth about content marketing
(Copyright-free photo by Grovemade at Unsplash-dot-com) © Bob Bly Don’t get me wrong….I am a big fan of content marketing — marketing based on dissemination of free information that is useful and interesting to prospects. I use content marketing all the time for myself and my clients … and have been doing so for over 3 decades. But, in an…
Read MoreHealth Newsletter Ideas for Health Related Articles
Health newsletters are sent by doctors, hospitals, clinics, insurance and all kinds of health-care companies to their clients and patients to keep in touch and maintain a good business relationship. Writing health related articles to meet the need for a constant stream of fresh health related articles is an excellent niche for writers. The typical…
Read MoreFrameMaker – RoboHelp Integration – when to preserve modifications to a RoboHelp file?
© Ugur Akinci If you prepare your source files in FrameMaker and then import (or rather, link) them to a RoboHelp project like I do, there is one feature that you should pay attention to. When you bring in a source file and then save it in RH, the application displays the following warning message:…
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