10 Great Features that FrameMaker has but Word Doesn’t

I love and use FrameMaker and Word both in my daily work. But here are ten good reasons why I  choose FrameMaker (FM) over Word when it comes to long complicated technical documents: 1) Page templates. If I wish to, I can make every page of a FM document use a different page template without…

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Technical Book Review: “Writing Plain Instructions” by Marc Achtelig

“Writing Plain Instructions,” with the subtitle “How to write user manuals, online help, and other forms of user assistance that every user understands” by Marc Achtelig is a great addition to the existing literature on technical writing. Marc, a veteran technical communicator from Germany with two engineering degrees, is a detail-oriented author who covers his topic at…

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How to Create a DITA Topic Object in FrameMaker

Welcome to my tutorial on How to Create a DITA Topic Object in FrameMaker FrameMaker (FM) has a very powerful and built-in DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) engine under its hood. Also known as “structured authoring,” this functionality comes with the FrameMaker as a default feature. When you buy FrameMaker, you do not need to…

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How to Create a DITA Concept Object in FrameMaker (Part 2)

Continuing with our tutorial about How to Create a DITA Concept Object in FrameMaker. PREREQUISITE: Make sure your FrameMaker is set for structured authoring. Select File > Preferences > General and select Structure FrameMaker from the Product Interface drop-down list. NOTE: This tutorial is the second part of this tutorial. If you haven’t so far, please read this tutorial post first. Let’s…

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