Technical Writing
Write Your Technical Documents with Consistent Tense
© 2010 Ugur Akinci Don’t go time-traveling from one clause to another. If you have multiple clauses in a sentence, try to make sure their verbs are in the same tense. EXAMPLE: “The circuit started to overheat [PAST] when the operator shuts down the relay [SIMPLE PRESENT].” BETTER 1: The circuit started to overheat [PAST]…
Read MoreHow to Make Sure Stakeholders Read your Software Requirements Specifications (SRS)
© 2010 Ugur Akinci It’s a rather common predicament — a technical writer or Product Manager sits down and after months of labor finishes writing a comprehensive Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) document, or “specs” for short. And then… SRS falls through the cracks and is forgotten, not because of ill-will on anybody’s part but because…
Read MoreWrite Your Technical Documents in Consistent Case
© 2010 Ugur Akinci The verbs you use in your technical writing must agrees with the case of your subject(s). For example: The school [Main SUBJECT] where he graduated [auxiliary VERB] from is [Main VERB] the oldest in the country. (School [singular] … is [third person singular]) VIOLATION of the rule: The school where he…
Read MoreWrite Your Technical Documents with Consistent Voice and Mood
Technical writing is consistent writing, whether you’re writing software or marketing specs. Your sentences need to be consistent in Voice Mood Case Tense Style If you end your sentences with the same mood, voice and tense that you start them with, the battle is already won. [Which rule did this sentence violate already?] Technique 1)…
Read MoreUse Parallel Construction in Technical Writing, whenever possible
© 2010 Ugur Akinci Try to write in sentences that have similar syntaxes and components. Construct your sentences and paragraphs with “parallel,” i.e. similar, components. That increases audience comprehension and retention. It makes your technical documents more user-friendly. For example, if you start the first sentence in a procedural description with an action verb, start…
Read MoreEliminate "Variance" from Your Technical Writing
© 2010 Ugur Akinci “Variance” is an important concept in statistics and plays a crucial role in technical documentation as well. Without getting too technical about it: “variance” denotes the way the values of a set of elements vary around a central mean value. Imagine you weighing a hundred marbles. Let’s say the arithmetic-mean weight…
Read MoreMaking the Transition from Technical Communication to Customer Experience Programme Management
(Excerpts) I’ve been asked quite a bit about my transition from Technical Communications to Customer Experience – what’s the relevance of my skills from my previous role to my new one, what are the surprises, challenges … and so on. People who work in tech comms seem to be surprised by the change; people who…
Read MoreTechnical Writing: Split Long Sentences into Shorter Ones
© 2010 Ugur Akinci Technique: Split long sentences into shorter and simpler ones Here is a sure-fire method to split your long sentences into shorter and more easily understandable ones: Split your sentences at conjunctions like “and”, “or”, “while”, “however”, “although” etc. Those are the connection points where one clause is linked to another. By…
Read MoreTechnical Writing Must be CLEAR
© 2010 Ugur Akinci Technical writing has to be clear, linear, and logical. Technique: Write in simple sentences that anybody can understand Avoid compound sentences with multiple clauses. Here is the most basic sentence structure in English: SUBJECT + VERB + OBJECT If a sentence does not have this structure, try to rearrange the components…
Read MoreWhat’s "Content Strategy"? What Does a Content Strategist Do?
(Excerpts) Content strategy is a relatively new profession, and a big profession. Within it are numerous fields of practice. To use an analogy, talking about content strategy is a like talking about doctors. Doctors range from neurologists to podiatrists, and all body parts in between, but they all started with the basics of anatomy, whether …
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