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Dr. Ugur Akinci
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Topics Covered…
Here are some of the topics covered in the weekly emails since 2007:
- Types of technical writing
- A typical day at work
- Technical writing tools
- FrameMaker vs. Word
- How to write a Document Plan?
- New tech writing niches
- Best tech writing organizations to join
- Secrets of tech writing style
- Do’s and Dont’s of tech writing
- Writing for the Government
- How to break into a brand new niche?
- How to benefit from Social Networking sites?
- How much to charge for your work?
- Secrets of software documentation
- Review of online job-bidding sites
- Career tips and advice
- New opportunities in “Green Writing”
… and much much more!
What They Said About This Free Service?
“I am a grad student studying technical communications and information design at Southern Polytechnic State University (Marietta, GA). We are putting together a grad student online research resource center for our class. I recommended for everyone to check out your Technical Communication Center site for great tools and tips. Thanks for providing such a great resource for technical writing students and professionals. Beth R.”
“Thank you for these emails Dr. Akinci! I always look forward to them… thank you thank you thank you! Yvonne S.”
“The newsletters are absolutely informative and knowledgeable. They contain lot of information and offer complete guidance to become a successful technical writer. The detailed content is thoroughly professional and this is a necessity to those who aspire to become successful technical writers. Arundhathi PV “
“I just signed up for your technical writing information site and I think it’s great to have a resource freely available like this. Matthew L.”
“Thank you for your valuable guidance. Your tips are very informative and valuable. Sunanda J.”
“I just love your newsletters. I am new to the field of medical and regulatory documentation and just landed a lucrative contract for government. Your letters are precise with solid facts appropriate with market trends. Please write more about regulatory documentation and how technical writers may add value to the acquisition industry in the near future. I anticipate all of your expert letters as well. Janelle T.”
“Thank you for providing such an important update. I really appreciate your initiative of providing useful information & tips on technical writing. I look forward listening more from you. Himanshu C.”
“Thank you very much for focusing on technical writing trends [like] XML scripting… Sudhir C.”