Online Video Courses

Who Gets How Much When a Book is Sold?

By Ugur Akinci | March 2, 2010

(Excerpts) On a typical hardcover, the publisher sets a suggested retail price. Let’s say it is $26. The bookseller will generally pay the publisher $13. Out of that gross revenue, the publisher pays about $3.25 to print, store and ship the book, including unsold copies returned to the publisher by booksellers. For cover design, typesetting…

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Pros and Cons of Working as a Remote Writer

By Ugur Akinci | March 2, 2010

Working as a remote writer might sound like a dream job, but it can also have its downside. One of the main challenges is that you’re not surrounded by coworkers on a day-to-day basis. The following are some of the pros and cons of working remotely: Pros of Working as a Remote Writer: Remote writers…

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Is Technical Writing Good Only for Explaining “Complex Things” in a “Simple Manner”?

By Ugur Akinci | March 1, 2010

© Ugur Akinci I forgot the number of times I’ve read technical writing defined as explaining “complex things” in a language “simple enough” for the “laymen” so that “anybody” can understand what you’re talking about… Is this true? Yes and No. Why? Because it all depends on the intended audience of the document. If your…

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An Introduction to Scenario-Based eLearning Courses

By Ugur Akinci | February 28, 2010

A scenario-based eLearning course is an instructional design where learners are given a hypothetical situation that they have to solve or deal with. The learner is then guided through the process of solving the problem by a facilitator or instructor who is playing the role of the protagonist in that particular situation. Scenario-based eLearning courses…

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