Bachelor of Science in Technical Communication Program at Arizona State University
In the Bachelor of Science in Technical Communication Program, students will learn how to produce, design, and manage information, using both traditional and developing technologies. Software and electronics companies, media corporations, financial institutions, government agencies, non and for-profit organizations are some areas that employ technical communicators. The curriculum brings together information, writing, multimedia, and communications…
Read MoreHow to Overcome the Resistance to Change in Policy and Procedure Writing
(Excerpt) Let’s name our elephant “Status Quo.” People seem to be adverse to change—after all—who wants their cheese moved? Perhaps that’s why when you write new policies and procedures, you may encounter resistance from your readers. When people learn that a new policy or procedure is about to be unveiled, the following comments may be…
Read MoreTechnical Communicators Association of New Zealand (TCANZ)
Background The Association was formally established in Auckland in 1997 as the New Zealand Technical Writers Association (NZTWA) by a group of technical writers who had been meeting informally for some time. The NZTWA was renamed TCANZ in August 2002 to reflect the broader role performed by technical communicators. Objectives The objectives of the Association…
Read MoreHow to Write Web Content with SEO in Mind
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a “necessary evil” for most writers and I agree with them. It’s not easy to write with SEO in mind because that brings in yet another level of discipline and complexity to a craft that is already complex and hard in many ways. But, on the other hand, if you…
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