Online Video Courses

Documentation as a Backup for UI Deficiencies?

By Ugur Akinci | January 14, 2010

Here is a view that has some weight to it, on the basis of my personal experience as a Fortune 500 technical communicator: “[Software] Documentation is rapidly becoming a backup for deficiencies in the user interface and user training rather than a complete solution in itself.” And here is an intelligent blog post that discusses…

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The Importance of Writing Perfect Checklists

By Ugur Akinci | January 12, 2010

Ask yourself: would you be willing to fly in an airplane flown by a pilot who relies on his or her “memory and track record” rather than a detailed and time-tested checklist? I wouldn’t. The deeper question is: if checklists are perfect and indispensable for flying airplanes safely and reliably, then why don’t we use…

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How to Become a Technical Writer

By Ugur Akinci | January 11, 2010

(A personal account published at Tom Johnson’s excellent blog) by Sarah Pruitt Deciding to become a technical writer was easy. But finding the experience and the time has proven unforgiving. My job is not based on writing; in fact, writing is rarely needed. Between working full-time at a bank doing account maintenance (which is equivalent…

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"Me" or "I"? A Simple Method to Use the Correct Pronoun

By Ugur Akinci | January 6, 2010

© 2010 Ugur Akinci Sometimes people are confused whether to use “me” or “I” in a sentence. For example, which is correct: “Me and Jimmy watched a movie”… or “I and Jimmy watched a movie”? First off, it always sounds better if you cite the other person FIRST, as in “Jimmy and me…” or “Jimmy…

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