4 Layers of "Learning Pyramid" For a Junior Technical Communicator
© 2009-2011 Ugur Aknci Once you take an interest in technical communication and documentation you’ll quickly discover that’s it’s an “endless country,” really. There is so much to learn and track since both the market and the technology changes constantly. But this does not mean that you can learn things randomly and become a successful…
Read MoreXML Authoring is Here to Stay in Technical Writing
by Nabil Freij Guest Author Global Vision If you’ve been following the Technical Communications industry, you may have noticed the obvious migration that is happening towards XML (Extensible Markup Language) processes, tools and formats. Based on a recent survey implemented by scriptorium (scriptorium.com), only 16.2% of 328 respondents indicated that they do not plan to…
Read MoreDocumentation for Consumer Products
Do you read the documentation for consumer products at all? Confession time: I don’t read enough of the documentation for the things that I buy. I used to think it was a combination of arrogance and hubris. That I could figure out how to use just about anything by playing with it. That was true,…
Read MoreCan Technical Writers Write Business Plans?
The other day, a colleague asked if I write business plans. My first thought was, “No, except for my own.” Then, she said, “After all, it is rather technical.” Well, of course, technical writers are perfectly skilled for writing business plans. Let’s see, what does it entail? Research Presenting information in a nontechnical manner Designing…
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