Online Video Courses

FrameMaker Header graphics

How to Attach Graphics to FrameMaker Headers

By Ugur Akinci | August 21, 2008

Introduction Imagine you’d like to attach graphics to FrameMaker Headers like when you’d like to have the sweet image of a finch accompanying every section header in your FrameMaker document that has something to do with “Birds.” For example, let’s say you want the readers to see the image of a finch right before every…

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FrameMaker template

How to Create a FrameMaker Template Master Pages

By Ugur Akinci | August 20, 2008

Introduction A FrameMaker template will make life much easier. Once you create a template, you can import such components like the Master Pages, paragraph and character styles, etc. easily by importing them to your new document. You do not need to create such document settings from scratch every time. How To Create a FrameMaker Template…

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How to Use FrameMaker Pending Marker

By Ugur Akinci | August 19, 2008

FrameMaker (FM) is such a wonderful software to write long and complicated books and documents. In my long years of experience as a writer, nothing comes close. FM has a very powerful built-in marker functionality with which you can mark not only your index words and cross-references but your “pending stuff” as well. Let’s say…

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How to Display FrameMaker Conditional Text

By Ugur Akinci | August 18, 2008

You want to display different versions of the same text in a FrameMaker technical document. You’d like to toggle different versions on and off. There is one condition however: you do not want to use multiple copies of the same text block (with perhaps different paragraph tags assigned to them) for fear of messing up…

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