Job Prospects in Technical Writing vs. Copy Writing
An accountant/bookkeeper reader asked whether copy writing is a better alternative in terms of finding jobs than technical writing, especially in rural areas. The following was my answer to him: “I’d say the chances of finding a tech writing vs. copy writing job in rural areas is just about the same. The business that has…
Read MoreSend Surveys to Improve Your Documents
A common problem we technical writers have is our lack of contact with the end-users. If you are like me working for a large corporation, the end-users are handled by the marketing and sales department, plus, the field reps and tech reps. They usually do not want you as a tech writer to get in…
Read More5 Rules for Resumes that Work
PPT presentation at George Mason University, April 21, 2015, STC Presentation. Click below link to download the PTT file: Resumes that Work April 2015
Read MoreMS Word Useful Table Design Features
I like the following MS Word table features a lot. 1) The ability to add a row or column at one click When you hover your cursor in between two rows or columns, MS Word 2013 displays a “+” handle. If you click the plus, a row or a column will automatically be added to…
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