Online Video Courses

Technical Book Review: “Writing Plain Instructions” by Marc Achtelig

By Ugur Akinci | September 10, 2013

“Writing Plain Instructions,” with the subtitle “How to write user manuals, online help, and other forms of user assistance that every user understands” by Marc Achtelig is a great addition to the existing literature on technical writing. Marc, a veteran technical communicator from Germany with two engineering degrees, is a detail-oriented author who covers his topic at…

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FrameMaker and Word: Resize Table Columns

By Ugur Akinci | September 2, 2013
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How to Create a DITA Topic Object in FrameMaker

By Ugur Akinci | August 29, 2013

Welcome to my tutorial on How to Create a DITA Topic Object in FrameMaker FrameMaker (FM) has a very powerful and built-in DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) engine under its hood. Also known as “structured authoring,” this functionality comes with the FrameMaker as a default feature. When you buy FrameMaker, you do not need to…

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How to Create a Master Document with Subdocuments in LibreOffice Writer

By Ugur Akinci | August 27, 2013

How to Create a Master Document with Subdocuments in LibreOffice Writer is a kill that save your documentation project one day. NEWS ITEM: MS Word’s buggy “Master Document” feature is deprecated in MS Office and will likely go through a slow disappearing act in the years to come, if it’s not redone to satisfaction of…

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