How to Insert an Independent Numbering Sequence into a MS Word 2007 Technical Document with SEQ Field Numbering Code
© Ugur Akinci Imagine you would like to insert a series of “POINT TO REMEMBER” notes into your technical document. But there are three tough conditions to meet: These notes are not styled with any of the existing paragraph styles. You want them to be numbered sequentially: “POINT 1 TO REMEMBER”, “POINT 2 TO REMEMBER”, etc. When…
Read MoreHow to Include Chapter Numbers in MS Word Figure Captions
© Ugur Akinci Imagine you have the following two photos in Chapter 2 of your MS Word technical document: You would like to include chapter numbers in the captions of these photos so that they will read as follows: Figure 2-1 ATM Machine Figure 2-2 Laundry Room To include the chapter numbers automatically in all…
Read MoreHow to Insert a Pull-Out Quote into a MS Word 2010 Technical Document
© Ugur Akinci Pull-out quotes are excellent to emphasize certain part of the document text. MS Word 2010 renders the insertion of pull-out quotes a breeze, thanks to the extremely versatile “Insert Text” function. Let’s say we have the following sample text: Select and copy your pull-out text. For example: “This ebook focuses on how to write the…
Read MoreHow to Apply Multilevel Numbering to MS Word Tables
© Ugur Akinci Imagine you have the following document: You would like to insert TABLES to this text but number them starting with the multilevel number of the section they are in. For example, you want the tables placed in section number “2” as “Table 2-a”, “Table 2-b”, “Table 2-c” and not simply as…
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