Secrets of Article Writing – True, Interesting and Specific Content

The art of article writing is no doubt an art. The reason is it is an art with many tricks and secrets to learn. It has different forms and prerequisites in different fields. One minute you might have to write an article about how to drive to work and then you might find yourself wondering how to write an article about how to keep your hamster alive for more than three weeks. It takes time and a lot of practice to learn how to write good articles.
The secret to writing about something is of course knowing the subject well. But this is easier said than done since we all are experts in a limited number of subjects. So one strategy is to write only about the things that you know well.
However, if you are a professional writer, you will frequently find yourself in situations where you don’t really know the subject that well. That’s the challenge of becoming a professional article writer.
For example, there is no doubt that you might not know your mother better than your mother, but if you want to become an article writer you should nevertheless try and be like one of those mothers who knows everything there is to know about their children.
After all is said and done, the main secret of article writing is simple – write about things that are true and interesting with a lot of specific and sharp details, regardless of how much research you need to make to accomplish that.
Rule Number 1 of Article Writing
Thou shalt not be boring or incorrect. That’s the one rule you should never violate as a professional article writer.
Writing “boring”, “incorrect” and “general” articles and blog posts is a huge waste of time since no one will read them and you’ll get no traffic.
Make your writing come alive with INTERESTING DETAILS that are TRUE.
Examples of Specific and Interesting Article Writing
Compare the examples below:
The Right Way to Article Writing
True but uninspiring and uninteresting fact: “The sun rises from the East.” (duh!)
True, interesting, and sharp fact: “Eskimos use 15 different words for snow.”
The Wrong Way to Article Writing
You must of course avoid the following kind of writing like the plague.
Interesting and sharp but incorrect fact: “President Barack Obama is a Muslim.”
When it comes to details, the more and fresher the better, provided it’s also CORRECT.
Compare the Details
No detail at all: “I love to shop.”
Uninteresting details: “I love to shop for shirts and boots.”
Interesting details: “I love to shop for azure-blue mohair shirts with bone buttons and crocodile-skin Armadillo boots.”
Which one you liked more? Which one held your interest and started to draw a picture in your mind?
To have success as an article and blog writer never forget to include as many interesting and true details as possible in everything you write.
50 Examples of Interesting Article Topics
If you don’t know where to start this article, start with these article topic examples. They will help you get into the writing mood and will give you inspiration for your article writing future.
1) 10 Elements of a Successful Blog Post
2) 5 Things Every Young Person Should Know About Money and Responsibility
3) 10 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block, Today
4) What “Secret” is Being Kept by Most Popular Restaurants?
5) A Guide To The Top 5 Social Networking Sites
6) How To Survive and Thrive in College (Without Majoring in a STEM Field)
7) Why Confidence Is the Key to Success
8) 30 Life-Changing Quotes From The Most Inspirational People of Our Time
9) Why Your Facebook Profile Is the Secret to Your Personal Branding?
10) 3 Biggest Features Of iOS 8 That Apple Doesn’t Want You To Know About
11) 5 “Mythical” Things We Think Happen in Relationships
12) Why You Should Never, Ever Sleep With Your Contact Lenses On
13) 7 Ways Being a Late Bloomer Can Help Make You Successful (Yes, Really!)
14) 3 Best Practices for Maintaining Optimal Health on A Low Budget
15) 25 Things I Would Have Told My Teenage Self
16) 3 Science-Backed Ways to Beat Stress and Be Happier NOW
17) 5 Ways to Break the “Having It All” Myth
18) How To Turn Your Life Around In 10 Minutes a Day (Or Less!)
19) Everything You Need to Know About US Immigration in Under an Hour
20) 3 Surprising Reasons Why All Kids Should Learn a Foreign Language at School
21) 5 Mistakes That Will Completely Ruin Your Relationship With The Person You Love
22) 5 Ways Twitter Can Make You More Creative and Productive (Hint: It’s Not What You Think!)
23) There’s More to Life Than Being Happy
24) 10 Things Successful People Never Reveal About Themselves
25) 5 Unexpected Ways to Make Your Life Way Easier
26) 4 Vital Components of A Long-Lasting, Lasting Relationship
27) 6 Quotes Every Teen Should Know About Life and Love
28) 5 Ways to Know If You’re Doing Everything Possible with Your Life
29) How to Make the Most of Your Unpaid Internship Opportunities
30) The One Thing No Successful Person Will Ever Tell You About Their Successes!
31) Why Is Sleep So Important? What Happens When We Don’t Get Enough?
32) 7 Ways to Spot a Bad Teacher Before It’s Too Late
33) Why Having A Job Will Never Make You Happy (and Other Career Myths You Should Stop Believing, Right Now!)
34) How To Be More Disciplined (And Transform Your Life as a Result)
35) 5 Tips for Taking Charge in a Mentoring Relationship (Even if You’re the Rookie)
36) The Top 10 Things Successful People Never Say
37) 3 Secret Ways to Attack Your Day and Be More Productive
38) 7 Secrets of Master Negotiators: How to Master Your Emotions and Win Any Negotiation (Even During a Bear Market)
39) 12 Quotes for When Everything Goes Wrong and You Just Need to Wipe the Slate Clean and Start Over
40) Why You Don’t Need To Go Out And See The World to Be Productive and Successful
41) 10 Things That Happen After a Breakup (That Everyone Should Know About)
42) How to Sell Out and Not Look Back
43) 5 Ways People Are Using Crowdfunding To Change The World
44) 8 Unusual Ideas That Will Make You More Creative Today!
45) This Is What’s Really Behind the Success of Self-Help Books – And It Might Surprise You!
46) The 3 Biggest Problems People Face When Trying to Achieve Their Goals (And How You Can Avoid Them!)
47) 7 Ways To Make Your Life Spectacularly Uncomfortable – For A Huge Benefit!
48) 10 Strange Things That Will Happen If You Stop Drinking Soda Right Now
49) 3 Mental Tips for Surviving an Interview
50) 12 Things I’m So Tired of Hearing
Writing an article is an art. Most people find it hard to write articles in their daily lives because writing article requires a certain level of skill. This article showed you a few tips on how to craft articles that are interesting, true, and very specific.
The best article writing tip I can give you is to write an article based on your own personal experience when possible. You can always start there and then venture off to the topics that you don’t know that well.
Another article writing tip is to focus more on the article topic rather than article length. Keep in mind that your article reader is most likely busy and would appreciate an article that is short and straight to the point.
When writing, maintain a good article flow. Keep in mind that article flow is important when it comes to readability. You want to make sure that one paragraph naturally flows into another and does not sound like a bunch of article fragments.
Taking a stand on a controversial topic like “gun control” or “immigration” is another way to keep your articles interesting and lively, if you don’t mind the reaction you’ll be surely getting for taking such a stand. Remember: you will never be able to satisfy everyone. That’s the lonely predicament of all good article writers.
Lastly, you can always use the 50 article topics provided above for your convenience.
Good luck!
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